According to the draft legislation adopted Tuesday, the proportion of waste to be recycled will increase from today’s 44% to 70% by 2030. MEPs also approved rules of the “Waste Package” that limit the stake disposal in landfills to 5% reduce food waste by 50% by 2030. the Parliament will now negotiate the text with the EU Council of Ministers.
The rapporteur Simona Bonafè (S & D, IT) said: “Today, the parliament has shown an overwhelming majority that believes in the transition to a circular economy.
We decided to restore ambitious targets for recycling and landfill, in line with what the Commission originally proposed in 2014 “.
The statistics for 2014 indicate that 44% of all EU municipal waste is recycled or composted, compared to only 31% in 2004. Also, by 2020, EU Member States should be able to recycle or compost more than 50% of the waste.