Meeting of consortium members convened

18 November 2016
Categoria:  News
Tag: budget, consortium-members, meeting

Milan, 20 March – the Board of Directors last Wednesday, 18 March, convened the ordinary and extraordinary shareholders meeting, to be held in Milan at the Hotel Principe di Savoia, this April (Convocazione_2015). Among the topics this year, in addition to the approval of the draft budget, the proposals for amendment of the Statute and the rules of CONAI are of particular importance, some relating to governance of the Consortium. The documentation for the items contained in the order of the day is deposited at the offices of CONAI and available to Consortium members, who are entitled to examine it. Note that the Assembly can intervene directly, or by proxy-vote, conferred pursuant to art. 21 of the Statute, consortium members of 18 March, 2015. Those who take part in the meeting must be in possession of: 1) Document of identification 2) proof of elegibility to participate in the meeting:-a copy of the power of attorney (if attended by the legal representative) –Vote by Proxy of the legal representative (if his delegate participates). To learn the procedures for Conai Meetings, please visit Regolamento_Assemblee_Consorziati_CONAI (CONAI Consortium Meeting By-Laws. For further information, contact our Legal and General Affairs Office on the following numbers: tel. +39 02 / 54044247 – 54044245 – 54044285 – 54044269.