In 2013 separate waste collection went up by 2.3% compared with the previous year. The total share of urban waste that is separated according to type of material amounts to 42.3%. Considerable differences at a regional level persist, with the North-East top of the country at 58.8%. The data is contained in the “Noi Italia 2015” (We Italy 2014), published by Istat. According to the document, in 2013 491.3kg of urban waste was collected per capita, circa 12.5kg less than the previous year (totalling 29.6 million tonnes, a reduction of 1.3% compared to 2012). At the regional level, the most urban waste is collected in the regions of central Italy. Italy ranks much higher than the European average for waste disposal, with circa 215kg per capita. The report, now in its seventh edition, gives an overview of the various economic, social, demographic and environmental features of our country, of its position in terms of Europe and the different regions that characterise it. 121 indicators were selected, collected in 19 sectors, ranging from the economy to culture, from the job market to the financial condition of families, from infrastructure to public finance, from the environment to technologies and innovation.