Genoa, students take to the street to ask questions about recycling

18 November 2016
Categoria:  News e-Gazette

Twenty-four university students and eight volunteers from the Istituto ligure per il consumo (association of eight Genoese consumer associations) will for two months meet with citizens along a hundred or so streets in Pegli, Sestri and Voltri, asking them to fill in a simple questionnaire and provide information about how to correctly separate waste for collection. The questionnaire can also be completed online at citizens’ responses to eleven simple questions will help form a “local” database while also collecting any suggestions they may have about waste collection, which is crucially important in terms of its impact on the environment and the daily life of citizens. “We believe that the involvement of citizens, particularly young citizens, is fundamental for furthering the promotion of separate waste collection,” says Marco Castagna, president of Amiu, “ and this is why we have put renewed energy into the “Angeli” project. In addition, in the near future, we will be directly involving regional associations with the support of Municipalities in the promotion of separate waste collection.” The aim of the initiative starting in Pegli is to promote separate waste collection, with a particular focus on organic waste, the recycling of various materials and providing detailed information about the environment to citizens and families such as to maintain the quality of the local territory. Mauro Avvenente, President of Ponente Municipality, adds, “For a long time now separate waste collection has been a mandatory and unavoidable choice, which doesn’t allow anybody to be disinterested in this virtuous practice. With the help of Amiu, consumer associations and the young volunteers working in our streets, we hope citizens will show themselves to be open to dialogue and willing to work together for our shared interests.”