Ecomondo, the General States of Green Economy

02 November 2017
Categoria:  News
Tag: Green Economy, Ecomondo

The Ecomondo Fair, from 6 to 10 November in Rimini, and 7 and 8 November, the General Green Economy 2017. This year will be dedicated to “Green Economy: a challenge for the new legislature”.

On November 7 morning, the 3rd Green Report on Green Economy 2017 and the Green Economy transition program will be presented at the Plenary Session.

On November 7th, however, there will be room for the thematic analysis, with the 5 parallel sessions, one of which is dedicated to the Circular Economy: the transposition and implementation of the European Waste Directives “, in which the General Manager CONAI representing the Consortium as a coordinating member of the Eco-Innovation in the Circular Economy Working Group.

Finally, on November 8 morning, the final plenary session of international cutting is scheduled. “Europe, China and the US: Green Economy’s Future in the New World Equilibrium” is the title of the deepening of the “green” policies put in place by the governments of China, Europe and the USA.

Check out the event schedule and register online: