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26 October 2020

At the request of the Ricrea, Corepla and Coreve consortia, CONAI has decided to increase the Environmental Contribution for steel, plastic and glass packaging, used to finance the collection and recovery of packaging waste, primarily from municipal waste collection.


31 January 2024

CONAI, following a series of cost increases related to the collection of packaging waste, amid general inflation, and the simultaneous reduction in revenues from the sale of post-consumption packaging reported by the CIAL, COMIECO and COREPLA Consortia, has assessed the scenario of the corresponding recycling chains - worsened beyond expectations - and seen a reduction in the capital reserves of the three Consortia.

11 November 2022

CONAI: deposit return system may not be the most efficient way to reach future recycling targets in a 73,3% recycling rate country like Italy.

06 June 2022

A study by Bocconi and the Wuppertal Institut, promoted by CONAI and supported by Expra, presented in Brussels: "Screening the efficiency of packaging waste in Europe". Italy? Recycle more and at lower costs.

Categoria: News
Tag: Europa, university, Bocconi, Expra, Bruxelles
18 January 2022

CONAI published the “Specific Plan for the Prevention and Management of Packaging and Packaging Waste”.

Categoria: News
Tag: recycling, recovery, results, plan
15 October 2021

The CONAI Board of Directors has resolved a further reduction of the Environmental Contribution (or CAC) for paper and cardboard and almost all plastic packaging, starting from 2022.

31 August 2021

From 1 January 2022, the Contribution for steel will decrease to € 12/tonne, the one for aluminium to € 10/tonne and the one for glass to € 33/tonne. Plastic divided into five levels based on recyclability and the costs of collection, sorting and recycling costs: lower values for four, unchanged for one.

03 June 2021

As from 1 July, it will be reduced from EUR 55 to 25/tonne, with a saving for paper and cardboard packaging users of over 135 million Euros. In 2022, on the other hand, contribution diversification will be extended to packaging in composite material, different from those for liquids.

Categoria: News
Tag: environmental contribution
01 March 2021

As proposed by Biorepack, the Italian National Consortium for the organic recycling of biodegradable and compostable plastic packaging, the CONAI Board of Directors has determined an ad-hoc environmental contribution for all bioplastic packaging. The contribution will be reduced to EUR 294/tonne and will enter into force from 1 July 2021.

21 January 2021

Available the English versione of Guidelines and a new site for the do-it-yourself packaging environmental label.

Categoria: News
Tag: labeling, label
31 July 2020

The Board of Directors of CONAI elected as President Luca Ruini for the three years term 2020-2022. Ruini is the Director of Security, Environment & Energy at the Barilla Group. The Vice-presidents of the Consortium are Angelo Tortorelli and Domenico Rinaldini.