
The knowledge of instruments that can be adopted by municipalities or by waste management companies, which include the correct application of the ANCI CONAI framework agreement, is an important factor for proper waste management in the territory.

In order to ensure proper information, CONAI, in collaboration with local authorities – municipalities, area authorities, regions – promotes specific educational projects with the objective of:

  • dissemination and awareness of environmental legislation concerning the waste sector, management of relationships with waste collection service providers and organisation of communications activities in support of separated waste collection;
  • explanation of the contents of the Framework Agreement and its system of conventions to be activated with the Consortium chain members, municipalities,and waste management service providers for the recovery and/or recycling of packaging waste;
  • dissemination of best experiences – best practices – at national level for the collection and management of packaging waste relating to the improvement of qualitative-quantitative yields in waste collection;
  • knowledge of the workings of the CONAI Consortium as the main player in the packaging supply chain.

Training activities are primarily directed towards officials and directors of public administrations and public and private companies managing waste collection.