Glass Annex

The Technical Annex for glass packaging waste governs conventions for the transfer of relative packaging waste.

By signing the convention, the Municipality, or its official delegate, commits to transferring to the Consortium Coreve separated packaging waste according to an an agreed platform.

The Consortium chain therefore issues payments based on the quantity and quality of the transferred packaging waste. There are five quality classes, which are in addition to their extraneous content fractions are also characterised for their fractions of fine glass. Among the extraneous content fractions, so-called infusible materials are particularly significant (porcelain, ceramics, etc.), which constitute an especially unfavourable element in the collections, because these items obstruct subsequent recycling of the material.

The annex describes the methods through which the quality of the transferred materials is validated at the Consortium treatment centres. It is possible to view the quality analyses through streaming, connecting by Web and following all the operations filmed by appropriately positioned video camera.

As with all conventions set forth in the Framework Agreement, is possible to cancel the agreement by September 30th of each year, with validity from as of the next January 1st, and re-enter the convention according to the same time schedules.