Anci-Conai framework agreement
The ANCI∗-CONAI Framework Agreement is the tool set forth in the Ronchi Decree of 1997 and subsequently in Legislative Decree 152/06 through which the Consortium system guarantees coverage of increased expenses for separate collection of packaging waste for Italian Municipalities. The Agreement is constituted of a general section, which presents the general principles and application methods, and six Technical Annexes, one for each type of material, which govern the conventions that each Municipality, directly or through a third party, can undersign with each of the Consortium Chain members.
The conventions of the Framework Agreement are considered possibilities, not obligations, for Municipalities, as they are subsidiary in nature to the consortium system and the same Framework Agreement. In an operational sense, each Municipality that has activated separate packaging waste collection for a material undersigns the relative convention, and commits to transfer the packaging waste to Consortium Chain members, according to the methods set forth in the relative Technical Annex.
Similarly, the Consortium Chain commits to take the material and guarantee that it is subsequently sent to recycling. The Consortium Chain also commits to payment terms, variable based on the quantity and quality of the transferred materials, which constitutes the greatest expense of separated waste collection.
∗ National Association of Italian Municipalities