CONAI awards eco-innovation in packaging

06 March 2015

Thanks to the Conai tender for environmental protection, companies who invest in sustainability are the winners Promoting the voluntary actions that the Conai consortium companies implement in the design and realisation of eco-sustainable packaging: it is in this design context and with this purpose, called “Future thinking”, that the “Conai tender for environmental protection – promotion of environmental sustainability in packaging” was created, with awards for manufacturing companies and users of packaging amounting to 200,000 Euros. Through this initiative Conai has for the first time decided to reward and shine the spotlight on innovative and sustainable packaging solutions on the Italian market from 2011 – 2013. There were 36 winning companies out of the 68 participants, with 73 actions implemented, resulting in a reduction of CO2 emissions equal to 34.5%, a reduction of energy consumption of 36.5% and a reduction of water consumption of 36.2%. In order to participate in the tender, the consortium companies were required to use the Conai Eco Tool, an instrument based on simplified Lca analyses designed to calculate the effects of preventive actions implemented by the companies on their own packaging, by comparing the “before” and “after” scenarios. Source: Sole 24 Ore