And packaging becomes ecological

09 October 2014

From a reduction in weight to the size of the packages. Wasted materials have decreased by 30%. The role of the Consortium in prevention It is impossible to contribute to recycling research, and therefore environmental protection, without prevention. From a reduction in weight to the size of the packages. Thirty-six companies have done so well that they were recently rewarded by Conai, the Consortium for recovery of packaging materials. The most virtuous companies, investing in eco-sustainability and innovative packaging, reduced their CO2 emissions by 34.5%, energy consumption by 36.3% and water consumption by 36.2%. The results are evident to all. From Lavazza, whose double package of Crema E Gusto – wrapped in an aluminium-free wrapper, using totally recyclable plastic instead – is already on supermarket shelves, to the BTicino plug adapter, now packaged in plastic coated cardboard instead of the previously used PVC blister packs with inner cardboard insert. Less weight, less waste but more recycling, the guidelines followed by Saponificio Gianesso for their bottle of almond bath gel, which is now 100% recyclable. But the change in pace and in research that will come in the future will be focused on production and the circulation of new types of packaging materials, which are more bio-compatible, with a longer lifespan and low environmental impact. The three-year agreement made in the spring between Conai and Cnr is moving in this direction. The object of the agreement was the “fraction that is difficult to recycle”, for which 800 thousand euro were earmarked. Of this amount, more than half is destined for two Cnr projects, while the remaining funds will be used for other university and experimental studies. (…) Source: Corriere Innovazione