International Network

CONAI is part of an extensive international network of work and experts on packaging and packaging waste, in order to enable the sustainability of packaging in a circular economy. Organisations and stakeholders’ platforms where, from the sharing of best practices, models, solutions and approaches based on scientific evidence and results.

Among these, CONAI is a founding member of EXPRA , Extended Producer Responsibility Alliance, which in April 2023 turned 10 years old, registering the membership of 32 Producer Responsibility Organisations (pros) in the world.

As part of international conferences, CONAI illustrates the CONAI System and the peculiarities of the Extended Producer Liability Regime for packaging in Italy.

CONAI is registered in the Register of Transparency of the European Union with the N instead: 898685614483-68.

It is possible to review the recording of the event on digital solutions for the collection and labeling of packaging, organized by CONAI with the support of EURACTIV: “Empowering consumers in the green transition – The potential of digital solutions for waste collection and product labelling”:

It is possible to review the interviews with the actors involved in the event of 6 June 2023 organized by the Permanent Representation of Italy in the EU with the support of CONAI: “Packaging fit for purpose: tailored solutions to protect products and prevent waste in the EU”: Packaging fit for purpose: tailored solutions to protect products and prevent waste in the EU –

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To see the documents produced in the context of international activities go to the page: Papers