
This section lets you view documents on the organisational and regulatory structure of the Consortium. You can download the documents by clicking on the items below.

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CONAI’s By-Laws and Regulations define the consortium bodies and offices that are: the Shareholders’ Meeting, the Board of Directors, the Chairman, the Vice Presidents, the Board of Statutory Auditors.

the Assembly of the Consortium: is governed by art. from 17 to 21 of the By-Laws. For its operation, the relevant CONAI Assembly Regulation has been approved.
The Board of Directors consists of 17 members.
Eight administrators belong to the category of Producers, eight in the category of Users, while the seventeenth administrator is indicated by the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Economic Development representing the consumers.
The Board of Directors is in office for three years and elects among its members the President of the Consortium, which has the task of ensuring that it is in accordance with the interests of the Consortium itself.
The President of the Consortium for the three-year period 2020-2022 is Luca Fernando Ruini.
The Vice Presidents of the Consortium are Angelo Tortorelli, representing the component of commercial users and distributors, and Domenico Rinaldini, representing the packaging producers.
The Board of Statutory Auditors verifies the regularity of the accounting management of the consortium, expressing it collegially with specific reports to the Shareholders’ Meeting on the budget and the balance sheet. It consists of seven actual members and two alternates. Three of the actual members are nominated respectively by the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
The Articles of Association provide for the appointment of a Director-General who collaborates with the President for the execution of the Consortium’s resolutions and participates in meetings of the Shareholders’ Meeting and of the Board of Directors but without voting rights. The General Manager of the Consortium is Walter Facciotto.

The Board of Directors CONAI:


Organizational Model 231/2001

Organization, Management and Control Model
In accordance with the legislation on the administrative liability of the legal persons referred to in Legislative Decree 231/2001 and in accordance with its ethical and social principles of fairness and transparency in the conduct of institutional activities, the CONAI Board of Directors has adopted a Model of Organization, Management and Control and Code of Ethics.

CONAI’s adoption of a Model for Organization, Management and Control of its activity is aimed at preventing the occurrence of crimes and avoiding the emergence of its own administrative responsibility for the same, through the preparation and adoption of rules of specific behavior.

The CONAI Model consists of a “General Part” and five “Special Parties”, prepared for the categories of offenses contemplated in Legislative Decree 231/2001 and subsequent amendments and additions and for other offenses deemed relevant in the consortium context.



CONAI’s Code of Ethics is a general tool to promote a genuine “consortium deontology” and institutionalize the values, rules and principles of the Consortium and individuals’ physiognomy and operation.



In addition, the Board of Directors has been entrusted to a Collegium of Supervisory and Collegial Inspection, composed of three subjects, one with the role of Coordinator, the task of monitoring the operation and observance of the Model and of updating it .

The Supervisory and Control Body has autonomous powers and is included in the organ of the CONAI as a unit of staff, in the highest hierarchical position, with “relaying” to the Board of Directors.

The Supervisory and Controlling Body remains in office for three years, expiring on the date of the Shareholders’ Meeting convened for approval of the financial statements for the last financial year of that office, similarly to the Board of Directors and the Board of Statutory Auditors Mayors.

For communications to the Supervisory Body, please use the following e-mail address: