CONAI is 20 years old: 50 million tonnes of packaging waste was recycled

23 May 2017
Categoria:  Press releases
Tag: Recycle

CONAI is 20 years old: 50 million tonnes of packaging waste was recycled

With the recycling of packaging waste, the opening of 130 landfills was avoided
and the emission of over 40 million tonnes of CO2.

In 2016 alone, 67.1% of packaging waste was recycled for a total of 8.4 million tonnes (+ 2.8% by 2015), already overcoming the European targets currently under discussion 2025.

Milan, May 18, 2017 – 50 million tonnes of packaging waste, totaling 130 million cubic meters of packaging and no emission of 40 million tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere. These are the quantities of waste for which CONAI and the Consortium System have guaranteed recycling from 1998 to 2016, ranging from just under 190,000 tonnes in 1998 to just over 4 million tonnes in 2016 and avoiding the construction of 130 medium sized landfills.

In 20 years, the recycling rate in Italy grew more than twice the European Union average, filling the gap of 15 percentage points that our country set off, with a performance approach to the reference model in Europe, Germany .

This is what emerged today at the Public Assembly of CONAI-Consorzio Nazionale Imballaggi, promoted in collaboration with the Foundation for Sustainable Development, where a budget of the first 20 years of activity of the Consortium was established, established in 1997, The entry into force of the Ronchi Decree. The event also saw the presentation of the 2nd edition of CONAI’s Sustainability Report, which showed with numerical evidence the positive impact of the Consortium at the environmental, economic and social level.