European week for the reduction of Waste 2014, three Italian initiatives are finalists at awards

18 November 2016
Categoria:  News e-Gazette
Tag: waste-reduction

European finalists for the sixth edition of the European week for waste reduction were announced in Brussels.The theme for the event, which took place across Europe from 22-30 November 2014, was the fight against food waste. Also, at the Edition just ended and for the third year running, Italy recorded the highest number of initiatives which were implemented with 5,643. Thanks go to the excellent work of the National Organising Committee composed of Environment Ministry, Federambiente, the provinces of Turin and Rome, Legambiente, AICA, and E.R.I.C.A.. SOC. Coop., Echoes from the city. These initiatives have reached the final: “Junk food waste in nature”, by Simply, in the business category ; “I Eat Consciously and without waste” by the 1° Istituto Comprensivo of Melilli (SR), in the schools category; “To make an egg, it takes …” , by CEAS – Centre for environmental education and sustainability of Lula (NU), in the category, Other. The winners will be announced during the awards ceremony to be held next May 27 in Budapest.