Waste. Viterbo at 55% of separate waste: it’s the top provincial capital in Lazio

18 November 2016

“The Municipality of Viterbo is the most exemplary provincial capital in Lazio with regard to waste separation, having already achieved a percentage higher than 55% of separate waste at the end of 2014”. So says Andrea Vannini, Councillor for the environment in the Municipality of Viterbo, who explains: “This is a result which brings satisfaction and pride to the Administration, made possible by the commitment of the majority of the citizens of the capital. Therefore, it is thanks to them for sharing the desire to follow the road to recycling and eco-sustainability because, over and above the resulting advantages to citizens in terms of lower municipal rates, what we are doing is a gift to our children and generations to come. The era of the landfill is now outdated and the goal for the near future will be to bring the disposal of waste in landfills to a minimum.” In fact, “Apart from being a cost for Administration, landfills are a scar on the landscape. Although the facilities and processes are subject to rigorous inspections in accordance to strict European Community and national regulation, they are still collection points for low-biodegradable materials and sites at risk of greenhouse gas emissions and volatile organic compounds harmful to human health, the production of leachates which, in the event of a spill, heavily contaminate the soil and ground water .” “The Municipality of Viterbo”, continues Andrea Vannini, “went from a production of 4160 tonnes of unsorted municipal waste in 2012 down to 2183 tonnes at the end of 2014; so we are on the road to being able to drastically reduce our dependence on landfills, and the exemplary attitude of the citizens of Viterbo gives them the right to claim that they alone are responsible for their own waste, and ask the other provinces to do the same. ”