In Gragnano, agreement between Comieco and the pasta packaging sector

18 November 2016
Categoria:  News e-Gazette
Tag: Comieco; Gragnano

Comieco and the municipality of Gragnano, heart of the Gragnano pasta district and the companies that produce cellulose packaging used to ship it, presented an agreement framework programme to increase the amount and quality of separate paper and cardboard waste collected and its correct recycling. To this end, the Consortium and the Neapolitan Municipality along with the network of companies for sustainable packaging called 100% Campania, the Association of Pasta-makers and the cooperative E.R.I.C.A. (Education Research Information Communication Environment) have teamed up to make Gragnano a sustainable city model based on a true circular economy. This means setting up an ethical system within the territory, where the packaging used for boxing the paste and deliver it to the consumer is reused and recycled with territory, itself, avoiding the generation of waste and setting in motion a circular process that is self-perpetuating. The agreement, which lasts 10 months consists of a series of programmed activities. Among these is the creation of a table with stakeholders brought together to set out a plan of concrete actions to increase the quantity and quality of separate waste for recycling, based on the logic of a circular economy and to promote the territory through the packaging associated with the pasta; the revision of a new specifications for the services of waste collection and the opportunity to access the grants provided by the Anci-Comieco tender for the purchase of equipment for the collection of waste paper and cardboard; a communication campaign; a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the packaging used by the pasta sector in the municipality of Gragnano, with particular reference to packaging of a cellulose origin. Also part of the agreement is the drawing up of a detailed list of local figures, both pasta packaging producers and users, to involve them in questionnaires and surveys useful to the gathering of suggestions, practical views, opportunities and difficulties, and the provision of guidelines for a specification for cellulose packaging for pasta, along with identifying recognisable elements of the product through its graphic design, up to the proposal for a logo.